Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Unleash The Beast

Although you may be questioning the ‘Dark Lord’ essence of our existence; please refrain from making any severe judgments. Remember it was the summer of 1997 when Morrissey sang ‘Satan Rejected My Soul’ not Korn or any of those other rap metal hybrids. We are not scared to relate with asexuality and or androgyny within the confines of our music. Pop culture needs a wake up call, and we are waiting impatiently on line one. Put on your dancing shoes and your ‘black lace bra’ because something mercurial is watching your every move.


belsum said...

Does a red lace "braw" count?

Mercurial Rage said...

The members of Mercurial Rage do have 9-5 jobs, therefore some edits may be questionable. However, a red lace bra should be reserved for our upcoming fall tour at Howard Johnsons.(Tri-State area)